📄️ Changing Panel Password
It's straightforward. Simply go to 'Settings', find the password box, enter your new password, and click on update profile.
📄️ Customize Sending Speed
You can adjust the speed of sending notifications from your panel settings. Simply drag the slider from slow to fast to set your preferred speed.
📄️ Toggle CDN
When sending a notification, an image URL is required. If you don't use a CDN for your image URL, it creates additional requests to your server, which can slow down your server. Therefore, using a CDN is essential to enhance the notification sending experience.
📄️ Change Timezone
You can set the timezone in the settings or configuration section of the platform. This ensures that all your scheduled notifications are sent according to the specified timezone.
📄️ LaraPush API
LaraPush provides an API for various purposes. If you wish to use it, the first step is to enable the API. You can do this by navigating to the 'Panel Settings' in LaraPush and turning on the API option. This will allow you to integrate LaraPush with other systems and automate certain tasks, enhancing the functionality and flexibility of your push notification service.